Lift Up Your Eyes | 12.5.21

5 December, 2021
Text: John 4:31-38

1. In the sermon we heard about ‘consumer culture’. This means we want what we what we want now and more of it! How did this mentality affect you as you were growing up? How has that changed in the past 2-3 years?

2. In verse 35, Jesus challenged his disciples to lift up their eyes and see the harvest (people) differently. Think about your everyday life. How busy and distracted do you find yourself? Is it easy or difficult for you to put a task aside and focus on an unexpected need from a person? Why is that so? How would you like to grow in this area?

3. Jesus’ nourishment was to see the grace of God change hearts. Share a time when you witnessed God’s grace make an amazing heart change for you or someone else. How did you feel as you saw this?

4. Break into groups of 2 or 3. Re-visit your answers to the questions you discussed in question number two. Pray specifically for one another that each would begin to lift their eyes above the busyness of our daily agendas. Ask God to give each a heart to see people above programs or schedules.