The Return | 1.16.22

16 January, 2022
Text: I Samuel 7:2-12

Hello, CG Leaders, this week marks the start of a great sermon series called “This Present Renewal”. There is also 90 day Bury Your Ordinary challenge starting as well. What a great opportunity for your Community Group to take on the challenge together!

1. Share with your group a great return story (where a person was gone for a period of time and made an impactful return to the story) It could be one that you saw in a movie, read in a book, or even an example from your own life. What made that return story come to mind? Did anything in that story resonate with you?

When renewal happens, there is a return of the entire heart back to God. In order for this to occur, 1 Samuel 7:3 reminds us that two things need to happen; repentance and faith.

Repentance means to change directions away from idolatry, anything that takes the place of God in your heart. To return is to identify the idols and replace them with habits and patterns that turn your entire heart back to God.

2. Where in your life do you feel like you are facing the wrong direction? What patterns have developed that have led to this misdirection?

3. What daily habits and patterns can you develop to replace the misdirection you have experienced?

Faith means trusting in the truth of God’s Word to direct every aspect of your life. Faith releases a new power to pursue God with all your heart.

4. Using the 7 faith building habits of Bury Your Ordinary (below), which habit has been the most impactful in your life? Which has been the most difficult to practice? Talk through your victories and struggles together.

HABIT 1 - Spend the first hour of your morning alone with God.
HABIT 2 - Share your faith every week.
HABIT 3 - Obey the daily promptings of the Holy Spirit.
HABIT 4 - Live within the accountability of biblical sexual boundaries.
HABIT 5 - Structure your life around priority, percentage, and progressive giving.
HABIT 6 - Practice living by grace through a weekly Sabbath routine.
HABIT 7 - Build an intentional circle of discipleship.

Break up into groups of 2 or 3 of the same gender. Take some time to reflect on your answers from question #2 and pray together for a change in direction away from idolatry. Pray for one another for strength to develop new habits and patterns that will replace the idols.