Helping With My Helping | 3.6.22

6 March, 2022
Text: John 14:25-27

1. Talk about an example where you thought "I Got This" but you ended up needing a little help.

2. There’s something in us that is allergic to receiving help. To walk with God means you must surrender being in charge. What attitudes, perspectives, and/or actions would need to be adjusted in your life to give the Holy Spirit room to take control?

3. A greater maturity leads you to a greater dependency. In what specific areas of your life do you need a greater dependence on the Holy Spirit? What would a greater dependence look like in those areas?

4. What has God done in the last couple weeks/months that proved His unconditional love for you and/or his faithfulness to fulfill His promises? How does recounting those examples boost your confidence in Him for what you are facing now?

Start with the Community Group Leader and pray for the person on your right for Holy Spirit produced surrender for their answers to question #2. After the last prayer, give every group member this challenge for the week; start every morning asking the Holy Spirit these three questions - what do you want to help me with, teach me, and remember today? Re-visit how the Holy Spirit moved in the group members at the next Community Group gathering.