Get Off the Bus | 7.17.22

17 July, 2022

Note: This is a difficult subject to talk about for many people. Before you discuss, pray and ask God to give each person the mind/heart of Jesus and pray that the discussion will be heard through the lens of grace, forgiveness, and love for others made in the image of God. 

Text: Genesis 1:26-27

1. Shawn opened his message with a story of a boy who quickly stepped off a bus to defend another boy who was being attacked. Talk through why you believe people are willing to defend others like that. 

2. As the Brunos shared their story of their unborn baby, what parts of their story could you identify with? What emotions did you experience? Why?

3. As Brittany shared her story of God's grace and forgiveness, what stuck out to you the most? Talk about what God's forgiveness means to you personally. 

Take some time together, as a group, and pray through the requests provided below:

  • Pray for women who feel alone in their pregnancy. 
  • Pray for those with the trauma associated with their pregnancy to find peace and comfort in the Lord. 
  • Pray that women and men don’t feel like abortion is their only option, but instead feel prompted to choose life. 
  • Pray that those who have chosen abortion would find healing and freedom in Jesus. 
  • Pray for the spirit of adoption to flood the hearts of God’s people to welcome children into their homes and walk with families in need.
  • Pray for protection and provision over pregnancy centers.