The Better Life | 1.1.23

1 January, 2023

Text: Psalm 1:1-6

1. When you think back to the decade you were raised in, what were a few influential things that were around at that time? (Example: in 1983, the internet started) How have those things influenced your life?

2. What "voices" had an influence on your life in 2022? (Examples: family, friends, social media, community group) Talk about the amount or level of influence they've had.

3. Read Isaiah 55:10-11 together and then talk about your view of God's Word and its influence on your life.

4. Share a verse or passage that has strongly influenced you, whether generally or through a difficult circumstance.

Break up into groups of 2 or 3 and share with one another which ungodly voices had an influence in your life in 2022 that you need to replace with God's Word in 2023. Pray for each other for a renewed heart bent towards a desire for a deeper relationship with Jesus and a greater hunger for God's Word.