People of Songs | 5.7.23

7 May, 2023
Text: Psalm 95:1-11

1. What kind of person are you? Do you tend to be more stoic and steady, or do you tend to regularly experience highs and lows?

2. Talk about a decision you made where you trusted your gut and it didn't really pan out. What could you have done differently?

3. What is an emotion that you have been keeping in your heart and not releasing over to God? 

4. As we sing, we lift up God, we set our affections on Him, and we aim our hearts toward heaven. Talk about a time when singing realigned your heart back to worshipping God only in your life.

5. If you could give advice to someone on how to cultivate their heart towards the worship of Jesus, what would you tell them?

**If you and your group feel comfortable, turn on some worship music and sing together. Make sure everyone knows there’s no obligation to sing along. Lovingly encourage them to worship in their hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate a heart of worship and realignment back to Jesus.

Pray together for a greater worship of God and God alone, for a deeper sense of awe of Him, and for a pouring out of and a realignment back to the heart of Jesus, both individually and corporately.

For further study: Read Proverbs 4:23 and consider ways to keep or tend to your heart on a regular basis.