Week 4 - Prayer

8 November, 2019
Wake My Heart: Prayer
  1. How has God been speaking to you about eternity this past week? What most stood out to you from the past week of devotionals from the Journey Guide? What opportunities have you had recently to share Christ with those around you?

  2. This week Justin talked about how worship re-orients your heart towards God. How do you integrate worship in your everyday life? Talk about how worshipping God impacts your relationship with Jesus, the condition of your own soul and your daily time with God.

  3. God desires to align our will with His will through prayer. Talk honestly about your current prayer life. Do you find yourself drawn to prayer or is it a struggle to engage? What are the hindrances to your prayer life? Share with one another some ways that you find focus and depth in prayer. What is one practical way this week you can step into a fuller and more consistent prayer life?

  4. Here at Vox, our leaders will not ask anyone to do something they are unwilling to do themselves.

    This Sunday, you heard both the Kendrick’s and the Schnepp’s share honestly about parts of their journey. Talk about how their stories encouraged you in your walk as a follower of Jesus. What specifically stood out to you? How is God challenging you to trust Him more with your finances?

  5. What keeps you from intentionally spending time seeking God for your next step of participation in this Wake My Heart Campaign? This week how will you take the time to dive into the Journey Guide? Take a few moments as a group to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide each one into their own personal surrender.  
CGLs: don’t forget to encourage your group to attend the Advanced Commitment Night on November 22nd at our Middletown and North campuses.


Scripture verses:
Acts 13:1-3
Sermon point:
• Prayer teaches us to hear the tempo of God above the noise of self.