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CG Questions :: Sunday, March 21st, 2021


Sermon Questions

Sunday, March 21st, 2021


Sunday, March 21st, 2021
Text: Acts 9: 1-9
Big Ideas: 1. Our true identity is unlocked when we have a revelation of Jesus, 2. Our God given identity is realized when we can see that his grace is bigger than it all.

  1. What is your initial response to the question: Who are you? In other words, how you do you most often primarily identify yourself?

  2. Since you began following Jesus, how has your sense of identity shifted? That is, in what ways has the revelation of Christ in your life unlocked your true identity? What areas still need that touch of grace for freedom?

  3. Security comes when we tether ourselves to truth of God’s grace. What spiritual disciplines have you found most helpful in grounding your identity and value firmly in Jesus? Talk specifically about how you engage in these practices.

  4. God takes us through the process of growth, and the revelation of Jesus sustains us in the waiting. Talk about a time in the last 12 months when the love and presence of God not only walked you through a trying or difficult process but caused growth in your soul.

  5. If time allows, close with prayer. Pray for one another for a deeper revelation of Jesus leading to our identity to be rooted in him.