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Let Me Fix This | 1.31.21

Let Me Fix This | 1.31.21

- 1/31/2021

Headspace: Week 3
Sermon Title: Let Me Fix This
Text: Daniel 2:44-45

  1. Take a few moments and share how God has been transforming your ‘headspace’ these past few weeks. Give specific examples of how your inner narrative is changing.

  2. As humans, we have a propensity to create ‘false saviors’ for ourselves. These surface as we strive to prove ourselves, try to earn the approval and love of God & others, or find security in accomplishment or knowledge.

    What is the Holy Spirit putting his finger on in your life? Where do you see these inadequate saviors? What truth or concept in the sermon can you apply this week for change?

  3. The Gospel teaches us that we are so sinful and broken that Christ had to die for us and we are so valuable and loved by God, that he chose to die for us. How would your life change if you fully embraced and believed this truth? Be specific. How would this truth impact your emotions, choices, affections, relationships or other areas?

  4. End your group with a time of fresh surrender to God. All of yourself. Not just the broken and hidden areas, but the areas you where you think you’ve got it all together. Give God your whole self. Then, with a spirit of faith, receive that new self in Christ that he freely offers.