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Question Detail

CG Questions :: December 20, 2020

CG Questions 12.20.20

Sermon Title: Christmas Received

Scripture: Isaiah 9:6

Discussion Questions :

1.  What is one concept from this week’s sermon that God used to speak to you a word of strength or encouragement?

2.  How has this year frustrated or drained the usual ‘wonder of this season’? What part of your heart or life needs to have the truth of Jesus as “Wonderful Counselor” revived?

3.  How have you been carried by the “Mighty God” these past 12 months? Talk about a specific time when your strength was not enough and God came through for you.

4.  In what current situations do you need to experience Jesus as your Prince of Peace? This week what practical steps can you take to abide in his peace?

5.  Have someone read Isaiah 9:6. Jesus is the Son who was given to us, the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

End your time together in prayer. Invite each group member to pray a prayer around one of the names of God given in this verse. Encourage them to make it personal. 

For example: God, You are my Everlasting Father. You will never leave me. You watch over me always…