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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Finding Colossus :: Part 5

  1. Justin talked about labels shaping perception and different names that are given to us that we don’t necessarily choose but are given to us. Share with your group different names that were given to you when you were younger and how those names “stuck” like the nametags in Justin’s illustration.

  2. Justin shared that 26 million people have paid millions of dollars to put their DNA through a database to find out where they come from. Discuss with your group what some of the motivations, hopes, and dreams might be behind this. Have you searched through this process or do you know someone who has? Does anyone in the group have something exciting to share about the information that was found through this process?

  3. Genesis 32:24-31 tells the story of Jacob being left alone and then wrestling God all night. Justin asked us some questions in the sermon—Is God real to you when you are utterly alone? Do you have a life-changing relationship with Him when you are left alone with Him? Discuss with your group what “being alone” is like for you and when the last time you were completely alone, not distracted by technology or any other noise.

  4. Justin said that for us, the real wrestling match in our lives (with God) is ultimately for control. When God touched Jacob’s hip, he crippled him—in order to grow him up, he had to slow him down. What area(s) of your life is God calling you to slow down in so he can speak to you more clearly? What area of your life do you think the Lord has been trying to speak to you more specifically about?