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Question Detail

CG Questions :: March 29, 2020

CG Question 3.29.20 “In the Meantime”

1. How has this COVID crisis pushed different realms of your life into ‘the meantime’? That is, the space between the now and not yet. What 2 or 3 ways are you coping with the emotions of ‘in the meantime’?

2. How has God turned your ‘cave into a castle’? In other words, what situations, relationships or habits have you begun or strengthened as a result of what’s happening in the world? Where can you see God’s hand at work in those areas?

3. God has been using this time to develop endurance in your soul. What specific spiritual disciplines or practical habits have you been practicing that are producing hope in your heart? Share these, in order to encourage each other for this coming week.

4. Take some time and read Romans 8:28 together. Turn these powerful words into prayers of faith and hope. Pray those prayers over one another.