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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Hebrews XI :: Part 2

  1. We learned in this week’s sermon that Abraham obeyed God and left “not knowing where he was going”. Are you uncomfortable when circumstances or situations leave you “not knowing”? Why or why not?
  1. The first stage of faith is risking obedience in the midst of uncertainty. When, in your spiritual journey, have you experienced this? That is, talk about a time when you sensed God nudging you to take step of faith – but without really knowing what your next steps after that would look like.

  2. In order to hold fast to God’s promises (the second stage of faith) we must know what His promises are. These are found in scripture.
    -Do you make scripture memorization part of your spiritual life? If so, share your method of memorization – perhaps, someone in the group struggles with memorizing, and your method might help them.
    -If you do memorize scripture, talk about the benefits you’ve found in doing this.
    -In the 4-week Hebrews XI book we were given, each week contains a memory verse. This week’s verse was 11:6. Are you willing as a group to take this memorization challenge together? How will you support one another in this?

  3. Justin spoke of the tension in life that every believer faces (the third stage of faith). It’s the reality that as a follower of Jesus, we live as ‘resident aliens’ here on Earth. That means that although we are ‘here’ we belong ‘there’. It’s that ache in every believer’s heart to experience more of God Himself.
    -What things in your life can dull that longing for God? Consider all the things you may place your comfort and security in – relationships, possessions, status, etc.
    -What changes do you sense God nudging you towards in order to make more room in your heart for Him?
    -What’s one practical step you can take this week to obey the nudge?

  4. Expect Resurrection Power Now. This is how Justin described the fourth stage of faith. In what areas of your life do you need to embrace the truth that God is not limited by what you think is possible? Break into groups of 2 or 3. Take some time and pray for one another specifically about those areas.