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Question Detail

CG Questions :: November 29, 2020

CG Questions 11.29.20

Sermon: A Little Extra 

Text: John 6:1-13

Sermon points:

  • Faith doesn’t grow unless it goes through the fire.
  • God permits impossible situations to expose unredeemed perspectives.
  • Faith is learning to rest in God’s plan before you experience God’s provision.
  • The strength for the test you’re facing is sitting in the boat of your past experiences.

Discussion Questions:

1. How has life demanded a ‘little extra’ from you these past few months? In what ways has God met you in those times of pressure or demand?

2. In ways have you seen God test your heart recently? How has your faith specifically grown because of these tests?

3. If God is with you, there’s always a way. What are the current areas of your life where you need to apply this amazing truth? Be specific.

4. Faith grows over time. Your history with God provides a new perspective for your future. Share a time when God used your past experiences to strengthen your faith.

5. What area do you need God’s provision? Where in your walk with Jesus do you need your faith to grow? End your group, by praying for one another. Pray that in this season your faith would be refined like gold.