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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Reach :: Part 4

  1. Justin talked about some examples of selfless acts of service and sacrifice. As you were growing up, what was the norm around sacrifice? How has that changed for you since coming to know Christ?

  2. During the sermon, we heard Matt and Kelsy give their stories of how Christ has changed their lives. How did those videos impact you? What was your gut reaction to them?

    Now, describe one area where God has transformed your life in a dramatic way.

  3. I must reach further because His love reached me.  In Luke 15, Jesus tells 3 stories that reveal the heart of God us. The lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son. Take a few moments and read one or two of those stories aloud in your group. Who is the ‘one’ in your life that God is pursing right now? It could be a friend, family member or neighbor. What in one practical step you can take this week to share Christ with them? 

  4. We are moved by the value of one. This statement is at the heart of all we do at Vox Church. 

    -What is hindering you from fully investing yourself into this community? Investing means your heart, time and resources. Talk together about what’s holding you back, and then pray for one another. Receive the grace to overcome whatever is stopping you.

    -Now, what step will you take this week to be moved by the value of the one?

  5. Take a few moments as a group and pray for the folks you thought about as you discussed question #3. Pray out loud, specifically say their names and ask God to move this week in their lives as you obey what He shows you to do.