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Question Detail

CG Questions :: September 27, 2020

CG Questions 9.27.20 

Sermon Title: John 4:1-26 

Sermon Points:  

  • You can’t have firsthand knowledge of God without being willing to subject your preferences, comforts, and culture to God. 
  • You can only know Jesus to the degree you surrender your urge to control him. 
  • Jesus did not come to accept the perfect but to perfect the broken 
  • You can never have firsthand knowledge of God until you’re willing to invite Jesus into your brokenness. 
  • His thirst led to her ultimate satisfaction. 

Discussion Questions: 

1.    How has this season of COVID, racial tension, and divisive politics taken a toll on your relationships?

        What steps can you take this week to overcome any separation you may have in important relationships? 

2.    In what way has your experience with Jesus been like meeting a celebrity?

        You admire him, have some interactions with him – but your connection is built on religious tradition or rituals.

        Your knowledge feels secondhand.

        What is one preference or comfort you need to submit to God in order to move towards firsthand knowledge of God? 

3.    How Jesus relates to people in the Gospels is a sacred invitation to firsthand knowledge of God.

        Share how specific narratives in the New Testament have helped you discover who God really is.

        Talk specifically the stories of Jesus found in scripture that have profoundly impacted your soul. 

4.    You can only know Jesus to the degree you surrender your urge to control him.

        What is your immediate intellectual and emotional reaction to that statement?

        In what ways have you been trying to control Jesus? In light of the sermon and today’s discussion, how will that change this week? 

5.    A truly satisfying life works from the inside out. How has the pursuit of outward pleasures come up short in satisfying your soul?

        In contrast, how has a relationship with Jesus satisfied your thirst?   

6.    Jesus did not come to accept the perfect but to perfect the broken.

        Right now, where are the places of hurt, brokenness, and pain you need to invite God into? Pray together for one another.