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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Moments The Make You :: Part 3

  1. As you were growing up, what was your paradigm for falling in love?
    How has that shifted or changed as a follower of Jesus?

  2. In his sermon, Justin talked about Abraham hearing a clear promise from God, and then finding himself in a place of fear (telling the rulers in Egypt that Sarai was his sister, not his wife – in order to keep himself safe).
    -Talk about a time when God clearly spoke a promise to you, but you found yourself doubting and acting in a way contrary to that promise.
    - What do think caused the fears and doubts?
    - How has God taught you to resist fear and, instead, stay in faith when it concerns the things God has promised?

  3. A barren heart is one that feels as though it must prove its own worth. This may be an insatiable need for success or a co-dependent relationship that brings you approval or trying to live up to standards that are just impossible.
    Where do you see this in your heart or in your life? Based on the sermon, what do you think would be a positive and practical step you could take this week to begin embracing the truth of the Gospel?

  4. The selfish heart doesn’t see others, it only sees itself – as if the world revolves around only your own needs. What is one practical step you can take this week to NOT live from a selfish heart? Think about your relationships especially. Who in your life needs you to live from a selfless place?

  5. Read this verse aloud:

    When you came to Christ, you were “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision—the cutting away of your sinful nature. Colossians 2:11 (NLT)

    This verse talks about the work God does in our lives based purely on the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Take a few moments and share one specific way God has ‘circumcised’ your heart and life – that is, He’s taken away sinful and unhealthy patterns in your life.