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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Standard :: Part 1

1. What one concept or principle from this week’s sermon resonated the most with you? Why was that?

2. In this week’s sermon we learned that sociologist’s claim that this is the most self-absorbed generation in U.S. history. In what areas of your life do you find this to be true? How has your spiritual journey changed your propensity for self-absorption? Give specific examples.

3. The focus of Justin’s sermon this week was allowing Jesus to set the standard for how we interact with and treat others. With that in mind, answer the following questions:

- The Ministry of presence: Do you find yourself entering into the brokenness of others? Or is difficult for you to come alongside someone is in need, suffering or hurting?
Talk about specific examples in your life where you’ve done both (entered into another’s hurt or distanced yourself). How was your life impacted by your responses? How was the other person impacted by your choices?

- Push back the boundaries of death: Every time we pray for someone, share Jesus, meet a practical need, help restore a broken heart, love unconditionally, etc we participate with God in furthering His Kingdom.
What opportunities have you recently taken to participate with God?
What one practical step this week can you take to treat someone in your world as Jesus would?

- Pursue joy by preferring others: Talk about a time in your life when someone has put you and your needs above their own. How did that impact your soul?
Talk about people in your life right now who need you to prefer them above your own needs or desires. What do you think God might have you do this week to follow His example?

4. To live out the love of Jesus, live on the love of Jesus. To truly treat other as Jesus did, we must first realize the depth of God’s love for us. This realization brings radical heart change – which then enables us to truly walk as Jesus did. Take some time in groups of 2 or 3 and pray for one another. Pray that each would receive a deeper understanding of God’s love. Believe that God will answer your prayers.