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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Standard :: Part 2

1. Was there any one thing from Sunday’s sermon that you most agreed with or disagreed with? What was it and why?

2. Justin discussed the common struggle in our culture of materialism. How did materialism play out in your upbringing? How has your walk with God impacted your drive for materialism? Give specific examples.

3. Hearts gravitate towards what they focus on? Talk honestly about how materialism effects your ‘day dreams’ or drives you to compare or crave what others have. Then, talk about what you sensed God saying to you about this during the sermon. That is, what specific areas is God putting on your heart to seek change (in the area of materialism)? What two practical steps can you take this week to obey that prompting?

4. Joy doesn’t come through what I have, but how I see. Read Php 4:11-13. Then discuss this point from Justin’s sermon: right perspective unlocks real contentment.
Where does your perspective need to change so that you can see the richness of all you have in Christ? Think about every realm of your life: your family, friendships, job, heart attitudes, affections, choices, etc. Trust that God wants to speak to you today. Then share what you are sensing. Pray together and receive from God a change in perspective.