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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Standard :: Part 4

1. What comes to mind when you hear the word leadership? What has been your experience with leading others or being led by others?

2. This week, Mike preached on Jesus’ model of leading others as seen in His call to discipleship (Matt 28:19). One hindrance to getting involved in discipleship can be focusing more on our dreams than God’s call.

    part a: Is this a struggle for you? If so, in what way? Specifically discuss ways you may have ordered your life that prevents you from investing in others.

    part b: Mike described the impact one person could have by investing in just a handful of people at a time. Did that surprise you? How will this truth practically impact your life from now on?

3. You heard some great examples of folks who make sharing their faith a priority, whether in the workplace, school or home life. Have you lost your urgency for sharing Christ or are you constantly on the lookout for those who need Christ around you?
    - if you lean towards the urgent side, encourage the group with how you keep this focus alive.
    - if you lean towards the not-so-urgent approach to your day, what is one change you’d like to make this week? What practical step can you take to walk out this change?

4. Passing on what God has done in our lives is one of the greatest joys and privileges of being a follower of Christ.
    - talk about one or two people who have invested in you in this way.
    - who in your life needs you to turn and invest in them, as others have in you? What step can you take this week to get this started?

5. Embrace the risk. Mike talked about the heartache that can come when we invest in others. It’s a reality that we must be ready to handle in a Christ-like way. Brainstorm together some practical and spiritual ways & actions you can take when you feel let down or hurt by someone you’ve invested in.
    - if necessary, pray for those who may still be hurting because they embraced the risk.