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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Washing

  1. This past week Shawn spoke on John 13 and Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet. What was one thing that really spoke to you from the sermon?

  2. In John 13, after washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus gives them the command to “Love one another as I have loved you.” What is one way that you would describe the “love of Jesus”? Have you ever had anyone in your life that you would say has embodied a “Jesus love” for you?

  3. Loving like Jesus means getting up from where you are and going to where the dirt is. – Shawn talked about how whereas it was Jesus’ impulse to move toward the dirt of his friends in order that they might be made more whole and clean, it often times can be our impulse to do the opposite with people: it’s hard to truly love difficult people. (which is all of us!)   

    What kinds of people are difficult for you to love? Spend a few minutes asking God in prayer together to “pour out his love into your heart” for these people!

  4. You can’t give away that which you don’t have. – Talk about a time in your life where the love of God in Christ for you became very real to you and empowered you to love someone else… even someone with issues of “dirt and difficulty”.