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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Someone's Someone :: Part 2

CG Questions 6.7.20 
Title: The Good Neighbor 
Text: Luke 10:25-37 

Sermon Points:  

*Commit to be a learner. 

*Welcome holy interruption. 

*Enter into the problem. 

*Plan beyond the crisis. 

*The act of kindness expands your capacity to love. 

Discussion Questions: 

1.   Justin defined compassion as something that grips you inwardly and pushes you to act.

How did you experience compassion growing up?

How have you experienced compassion on your spiritual journey?

2.   Part of being a good neighbor is learning about others.

How does it feel when someone asks a question and then really listens to your answer?  

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a listener? Why? 

3.   Making room for interruptions and entering into the pain of others is key to being a good neighbor.

Talk about a time when you felt someone went out of their way to understand you and support something happening in your life. 

How do you respond when your plan is interrupted by someone’s pain or need? How would you like to grow in this area? What step can you take this week to foster that growth? 

4.  The act of kindness expands your capacity to love. 

This week how will you reach out to someone who is struggling in this current pandemic and racial injustice climate?

Spend some time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal specific acts of kindness.