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Question Detail

CG Questions::April 26, 2020

CG Questions 4.26.20

1. Justin talked about Christians converting times of loneliness into solitude. During this isolating time, how have you sensed God trying to get your attention? How have you responded to him?

2. God uses times of need to teach your heart holy dependence. Over these past 5-6 weeks in what ways has your dependence upon God grown? Be specific.

3. When our dreams are delayed (i.e. future career, healthy family, perfect wedding) hidden idols of the heart can begin to compete for the place of highest priority. Talk about specific ways you’ve experienced this in your own heart. What are 2 or 3 steps you will take this week rediscover God as your greatest treasure, your greatest priority?

4. Share some of the victories you’ve experienced in your time with God during these weeks of quarantine. Talk about what God has spoken to your heart through his Word that has deeply impacted your soul.

5. End your group with a time of worship and/or prayer. Pray for one another that this season would be a time of preparation for what lies ahead. Ask the Holy Spirit for encouraging, prophetic words for one another and then share them.