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Question Detail

In To Me See :: CG Questions :: Part 1

  1. We were made for relationship with God. This is why we have a strong desire to be fully known and deeply loved. When sin entered the picture, this broke everything, including the way we relate to God and each other. How does this shift manifest most in your life? (example: your friendships don’t seem that close, God seems far even when you read and pray)

  2. Is there a narrative that you are currently allowing shame to write in your life? How is this causing you to respond to God’s heart for you?

  3. When God asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” He was asking a questions of the heart, not geography. What would you say? Where are you in relationship with him? 

  4. The last question that God asks Adam and Eve is “What have you done?” They both go through a list of excuses before they confess and truthfully tell God, “I ate.” Do you have a tendency to hide what you’re ashamed of from God with a lot of excuses, even though He knows the truth? Why? What would you be freed from if you were honest with God first?  

Prayer: Spend some time praying in small groups for one another. Pray that Jesus would reveal the lies of shame that we believe, and pray for one another to this week receive a greater intimacy that Christ has for us when we take on the fragrance of His son.