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Question Detail

Palm Sunday 2019 :: CG Questions

  1. God is radically committed to your good.  What do you need to lay aside to trust that God is actually radically committed for your good?

  2. It’s not always about the promise, it’s about the promise maker. Where are you believing in promises and not fully believing in who Jesus is? 

  3. His ultimate cause is the ultimate need for your heart.  Do you live like Jesus is that kind of King?

  4. When we plant the truth of who He is in our hearts, and we understand that His promises will not fail us, a garden begins to grow inside of us.  What truth needs to settle in you to allow your garden to begin or continue to flourish? 

Prayer Time: Pray that this week the reality of God being a good father who wants the best for his children settles deep within your hearts and changes your perspective of the waiting. Pray that in these seasons, He reveals His heart for you in providing exactly how He knows is best.