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CG Questions :: April 4, 2021


Sermon Questions

Sunday, April 4th, 2021


CG Questions, 4.4.21 Easter

Sermon Title: We See Things Differently

Text: Luke 24:36-52

Discussion Questions:

1. As you were growing up, how did you usually celebrate Easter? Has that changed since you began following Jesus?

2. God will meet you right where you are. How have you experienced this truth over the past 12 months? Where in your life today do you need God to meet you?

3. Are you one who believed in the ‘spirit of the Resurrection” – as if it only carries symbolic meaning? How did the sermon challenge your view of the resurrection? What is one new understanding you have about the Resurrection that you didn’t before?

4. The Resurrection proves that Jesus paid in full for our debt of sin, brought us forgiveness, reconciled us with the Father, filled us with His Spirit, and defeated death. Now we have the favor of

Jesus on our lives. And when we die, we live with him for eternity.  Embracing this truth brings HOPE. What would it be like to live with this ‘profound certainty’?

Talk about how this hope could affect every area of your life.

5. End your time together praying the truth found in Luke 24:45: “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Pray for one another that your mind and spirit would open and receive a greater, life-transforming revelation of how the Resurrection changes your life.