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You are designed to live in community.

Intentional community at Vox can be found in two important expressions: Community Groups are gatherings of 5-20 people that meet for the purpose of growing in relationship with God and with one another. Core Groups are groups of three to four people of the same gender who are committed to the practical process of living out their faith in Jesus.

What is a Community Group?

Community Groups are the best way to be known and find your home at Vox. These are weekly meetings ranging from 5-20 people that meet for the purpose of growing in your relationship with God and with one another. If you are looking to get connected, now is the perfect time to find or start a group.

How and when do groups meet?

Generally, our groups meet weekly for 90 minutes or less Monday through Sunday at varying times at a group member’s home or a selected location.

We are providing 3 different meeting:

  • Option 1: In-Person Only
    Suggested up to 25 people indoors as maximum capacity to allow for space and social distancing.

  • Option 2: Online Only
    Using a preferred digital platform (Zoom, FB Rooms, Google Hangouts, Skype etc.)

  • Option 3: Hybrid Groups - Both In-Person and Digital
    In-person with the option for members to be invited via an online/digital platform i.e. Zoom Rooms, Google Hangouts, FB Rooms.


Be known and grow.

CORE groups are 3-4 people of the same gender who are committed to the practical process of growing in their relationship with Jesus and with one another. If you are looking to grow deeper in your faith and grow deeper in relationship with others, CORE is your Next Step!



Are you a community group leader? Check out this page of resources compiled specifically for you!