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Ok I'm In

Discovering together the power of intentional community.  This series walks through 7 important elements that help us develop real community:

  1. Proximity
  2. Vulnerability
  3. Discipleship
  4. Fun
  5. Sacrifice
  6. Mission
  7. Boundaries

Click HERE for a PDF file of the Host Book.

In This Series

  1. Ok I'm In :: Week 1 :: Proximity
  2. Ok I'm In :: Week 2 :: Vulnerability
  3. Ok I'm In :: Week 3 :: Discipleship
  4. Ok I'm In :: Week 4 :: Fun
  5. Ok I'm In :: Week 5 :: Sacrifice
  6. Ok I'm In :: Week 6 :: Mission
  7. Ok I'm In :: Week 7 :: Boundaries