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Question Detail

CG Questions :: 28 to Change :: Part 3

  1. Are you giving into a conscious dependence on God? What would you need to surrender in your life if you started giving into the desire to fully worship Jesus because He is your highest pursuit?

  2. Through some deliverance, Paul learned more of God’s heart than he would have if he received full deliverance. Have you every prayed for deliverance from a problem that lingered? What has God spoken to you through that trial?

  3. Worship isn’t half hearted, it is when you give God everything. Are there areas you are holding back in your life? (Resources, time, future plans).  Are you living today as if you’ve given him everything?

  4. What would change in your life if you dove in fully to a life of worship? What areas of your life would be surrendered if you rooted your identity in Christ and worshiped in full surrender?