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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Finding Colossus :: Part 3

Sermon Questions::Finding Colossus::Part 3 

1. Mike Schnepp started his sermon referring to 7th grade geology class learning about the 4 layers of the earth: the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. What was your favorite middle school class? Share with your group what this class was and why it was your favorite.

2. Servant: I am driven to love

In 1 Corinthians 4:1 Paul talks about being a servant of Christ. Mike quoted Mother Theresa who said, “Thank God we don’t serve God with our feelings because I don’t know where I would be. Pray for me” Discuss what it means to be a servant of Christ.

3. Steward: I invest my hope

Mike defined a steward as “someone who invests someone else’s goods” and discussed how Paul challenged us to steward the mysteries of God. We are called to be a conduit of Jesus’ grace to the people in our lives—whether in our families, in our neighborhoods, in our workplaces—anyplace in our daily lives. Share with your group the last time you shared the hope of glory with another person.

4. Saved: The verdict is in

Mike discussed how we have an enemy who accuses us daily, his name is Satan. Justification through Jesus Christ is a bestowal status of a son or daughter and gives us an inheritance which silences the accusations of the enemy. Discuss how this understanding should change our thoughts as accusations come to mind throughout the day and strategies of how you can walk in freedom from accusing thoughts.

5. Seed: I have a new heart

Mike encouraged us to receive from the Lord. What changes will you make this week to receive the love of Jesus and His promises for you? How will you prioritize time this week to ensure receiving from Him and hearing from the Spirit of God?