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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Hebrews XI :: Part 4

1. During this Hebrews XI series, we discovered a working definition for faith. Faith is an awareness of the invisible world that produces conviction leading to action. Consider every realm of your life – your devotional time with God, your affections, your choices, your relationships, your resources, etc. How have these specific areas changed as your faith has grown?

2. Remember the Cloud: You are part of something bigger. Take a moment and have someone read the names of all those people of faith listed Hebrews 11. Which one of these ‘witnesses’ has most encouraged you in your life? What story in this chapter can you most connect your life to? Talk about why that is so.

3. Untangle your soul: This race is worth the sacrifice. This means that as believers we are called to live as if we have nothing to hide. What is your immediate reaction to the truth that we are called to lay aside every weight, every sin that entangles us?

-Break into groups of 2 or 3, and talk about the areas where you are taking casually what God takes seriously? Be transparent and honest. Then, pray for one another.

- What is your next step to freedom from these sins?

4. Think about your spiritual journey for the past 3 months. Where has God reset your expectations of Him – that is, increased your faith in His love, goodness, mercy, and grace towards you? How has this specifically changed your capacity to live more by faith and less by what you see and feel?