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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Palm Sunday

  1. Scripture reveals that God often pushes His people beyond the natural response during times of difficulty. However, He always gives us the inner strength to recently?

  2. Read Matt 6:26. Here we see that Jesus expects His disciples to live free from worry. During this COVID crisis, what are you worrying about that you normally wouldn’t? How can you practically apply the truth that God is your Father to those worries this week?

  3. In his sermon, Justin talked about the Biblical truth that Jesus will return. How does this truth affect your decisions, relationships, etc.? Share specifically how this truth has deeply impacted the way you live.

  4. Spend some time together praying for one another. Pray for specific needs: family, health, finances, fears and any other burdens people are carrying. Lean into the power of prayer and receive whatever you need from God.