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Question Detail

CG Questions :: Speak :: Part 3

1. This week’s sermon focused on the power of an invitation. What is one invitation you received that has changed your life?

2. God’s invites us to find forgiveness of sin, peace with God and eternal life in Jesus. Talk about the first time you heard this invitation. How did it impact your soul?

3. What is the biggest struggle you have when it comes to inviting others to know Jesus? Is it fear of man, concern that you don’t know enough about God or have the right words, busyness with life…or something else? What is one step you will take this week to cast that fear aside?

4. Our actions create space for us to invite people to explore Jesus in our everyday life. This may look like opening your home, or caring about the lives of those you see each day (co-workers, people at the gym, neighbors, etc). How are you making room in your life to be able to invite others to Jesus?

5. After hearing the sermon, were you surprised by the truth that God calls ordinary people into an extraordinary life? How has God turned your ordinary into extraordinary because of your relationship with Jesus?

6. Who are two or three people in your circle of influence who need Jesus? Break into groups of 3, and pray specifically for those people. Ask God to show you how to make time for them, and how to invite them to Jesus. Then, whatever He shows you – do it!