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Question Detail

CG Questions :: The Moments That Make You :: Part 2

  1. What were some of the dreams of your heart as you were growing up? OR
    As you were growing up, whose life inspired you to dream big?

  2. Dreams mature through a process, and God uses that process to purge the motives of our hearts.
    Where do you see this truth as a reality in your life? In other words, prior to seeing a dream come to fruition, we all go through things that God uses to transform us. What are some of those situations or circumstances you’ve walked through that you know God has used to make you more like Jesus? How did you specifically grow in your faith during that time?

  3. Talk about a time that you felt embarrassed by what seems to be a limit in your life.
    How did you compensate for that limit?
    How has your spiritual journey with Jesus taught you to re-frame those limits – that is, to view those limits as a platform for His glory? Talk about specific ways God has used your limits for His glory?

  4. As we focus on the greatness of God (like Abraham did when God had him look at the stars), our vision begins to change. We move from allowing our limits to stop us into seeing the bigness of our God.
    What area in your life do you need to re-focus and start to see the incredible dreams God has for you? Think about every realm – your relationships, your family, your job, your resources – every part of your life.
    What is one practical step you’d like to take this week to embrace this God vision?

  5. Let the capacity of Jesus determine the size of your dream.
    As we allow God to purify our motives, as we embrace our limits, and see God’s greatness then, we can let the capacity of Jesus determine the size of our dreams. Take a few moments and pray for one another – encourage the dream within each other! Pray bold prayers of faith!