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Question Detail

Easter :: CG Questions :: How Could I Forget?

  1. As you reflect on the Easter sermon, what is one principle or insight that stands out as being particularly helpful, insightful, or difficult to grasp?

  2. Jesus often disguises himself in ordinary moments.  Justin shared about how Jesus revealed himself to the disciples while they were walking on the road to Emmaus, a seemingly ordinary life event. In what ways has God been getting your attention through the seemingly ordinary moments? What do those moments do for your faith? What has God been whispering to you through those ordinary interactions?

  3. Justin mentioned that sometimes we have a tendency to forget God’s face, ignore the library of evidence, and close the eye of our heart. What keeps you from drawing close to God? What keeps the “eye of your heart” closed? What inaccurate conclusions have you believed about God that have shaped your view of His nearness? What can you tangibly do this week to trigger your memory of God’s nearness?

  4. He is known in the breaking of the bread.  What comes to mind when you hear this phrase? How does this one phrase make you feel about God and the work of The Cross? How have you been changed by the resurrection life of Christ?