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Question Detail

He Is :: CG Questions :: Part 3

  1. Justin talks about the necessity of doors. Imagine all of the times you take advantage of a door. They create a barrier of safety. When you are inside you feel safe, when you are outside, you feel exposed.  In what areas of life are you outside of the door and feel exposed? Are there things that make you feel like you have no protection and you are completely vulnerable?

  2. In Justin’s illustration of the robber and the thief, he discusses the different ways the enemy tries to attack.

    Robber: This attack is a visual thing that draws you away from God or something that pulls your attention away from God. Things like materialism or addiction promise peace and safety, but leaves us wanting.

    Thief: This attack comes in surprise. You don't even know you were stollen from. These attacks are an invisible enemy. Things like a mindset of fear thats developed over the years or feelings of inadequacy. 

    Do you have exposed areas in your life that you allow the enemy to steal from you? Discuss if you are more susceptible to attacks from a robber or a thief. What are 3 ways that you can close the door to create a barrier from these attacks?

  3. There are aspects of your heart that can never experience fullness if you live outside of freedom. What areas of your heart are not surrendered that are keeping you from complete freedom?

  4. God’s promise of life REQUIRES A DECISIVE STEP OF FAITH. Anyone can have it, but you must enter by the way of Jesus. What steps of faith can you make this week to move towards real change that will allow a life more abundant in Christ?

  5. In what areas of your life are you accepting the lie that God is a taker and not a giver? Break off into groups of 2 or 3 and discuss how you have a tendency to see God as a taker and how you can start to receive the truth that God is a good father who GIVES perfect gifts.