19 October, 2023

 1. As you reflect on last weekend's sermon, what principle or insight stands out as being helpful, insightful, or difficult to grasp?  

 2. Dallas Willard said, "The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity." Where have you seen spiritual growth in your life over the last year? Is there evidence that you are becoming more loving, joyful, patient, gentle, etc.?
 3. Read Matthew 7:1-5. In this text, Jesus says "DO NOT JUDGE" In our culture this translation can get lost to mean we need to turn our eye to what is wrong, but Jesus in this text is addressing a CRITICAL SPIRIT or an inner self-righteousness that props up “self” by pushing others down. Share a recent example where you noticed a critical spirit in your life? 
 4. Justin mentioned the cure for a critical spirit is a unique combination of Grace and truth, but "TRUTH without grace leads to a judgmental community, and GRACE without truth—undermines God’s command to be holy. Give an example where you have seen any of the above combinations of grace and truth portrayed in Christian community and what was the result? 

"Only the Gospel provides the right combination of TRUTH and GRACE that heals the heart and empowers us to live differently."
 5. Read Matthew 7:6-11. Our Heavenly Father CAN be trusted. He uses everything in your life to shape you for eternity. When you take a look back over your life where have you seen this to be true? Take a few moments to share stories of God's faithfulness.  
 6. Read Matthew 7:12. The Golden Rule unleashes a Community that is driven by initiating love." 
 Wooden Rule = Whatever you do to me I will do to you. 
 Silver Rule = Do not do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. 
 Golden Rule = Whatever you wish others would do for you that's what I want you to do. 
 Take turns and answer the question: What do you wish others would do for you?

 7. Challenge: The Golden Rule = The Gospel. This week ask God for His help to live a life of initiating love towards others.