Community is how God does things. We are told in scripture that God is one in essence and three in person (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). God has designed humanity in such a way that we need each other in order to know and experience God fully. It’s true that each of us should have a personal relationship with God, but it’s equally true that there are aspects of God we can never know until we invest in deep relationship with his people. This type of sacred community does not happen by accident. We must be intentional about growing it and sustaining it. Seven key elements make up intentional community.
1. Proximity Provides Opportunity: Time and energy are required for healthy relationship to grow.
2. Vulnerability Creates Connection: When you open up your life, God connects your heart.
3. Discipleship Sets Direction: Our goal is to collectively become more like Christ.
4. Fun Amplifies Grace: When we learn to enjoy God’s gifts and enjoy one another God is glorified.
5. Sacrifice Matures Love: Growing in love requires that you give something up.
6. Mission Drives Adventure: God calls us to participate in his great purpose on earth.
7. Boundaries Sustain Growth: Healthy limits produce healthier relationships.