
We Become More

Host a Hospitality Dinner

As a follow-up to the All Together Separate sermon on March 3, Vox Church is encouraging Community Group Leaders and campus leaders at every location to host potluck hospitality dinners. The purpose is to begin building godly, vibrant communities seeking to uphold the gospel call to show hospitality toward those from different backgrounds and ethnicities. Download the Hosting Guide for details and conversation prompts.


Diversity Strategic Plan Overview

At Vox, we believe that diversity in the church is the heartbeat of heaven. As we mature as a church family, it is our goal to reflect the diversity of our congregation in every aspect of our leadership and ministry. We seek to grow in four specific ways over the next several years.


Awaken the people of God to the realities of racial and ethnic divisions in our hearts and world to spark a desire to be a part of the healing process.


Raise up leaders that reflect the diversity of our church and equip existing leaders to care for people of color within our church community.


Humbly build strong bridges of relationship and trust with a variety of churches, organizations, and neighbors to collectively and consistently meet the need of the community and strengthen already existing structures.


Regularly gather a diverse group of leaders from our church community who will help implement the action plan and bring a variety of perspectives into the planning and decision-making conversations of our church.


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