Family / Marriage Ministry


Ephesians 5:22-33 offers the recipe for perfect Christian marriages, yet every marriage is imperfect because it’s comprised of imperfect people. Great marriages don't happen by accident. Whether you are engaged and looking forward to marriage or are married and looking to cultivate growth, Vox Church is committed to investing hope and life into every couple. To facilitate that we utilize “Prepare and Enrich”, a customized ministry assessment tool that results in forward movement and building on strengths while encouraging complementary skill-building exercises. Please use the registration links below to fill out either a prepare (pre-marital) or enrich (post-marital) interest form.


Preparation is a crucial element for a strong, Christ-centered marriage. Prepare/Enrich uses a pre-marital assessment tool that focuses on nine key areas of a successful marriage. When registered, Vox Church will pair you with a mature, married couple to facilitate the review, discussion, and suggestions based on the assessment results.

Prerequisites for participating in Premarital Mentoring:
1. You are currently engaged with a wedding date no less than 3 months from the date of registration.
2. One or both of you are Vox Church attendees.
3. If you or your fiancé have been previously married, your wedding date must be at least 18 months from the date of your divorce.

Please review our wedding policy before registering.

Register Here


The word “enrich” means “to improve the quality of.” There’s no shame in admitting your marriage could use some enrichment. Prepare/Enrich uses a marriage assessment tool to identify relationship types, expectations, possible strength areas, and possible growth areas. When registered, Vox Church will provide you and your spouse with tools and opportunities for your marriage to be enriched!

Register Now


Vox Families frequently holds 8-session community groups called "Parenting on Purpose" which will help parents think through and implement a parenting approach that will prepare their children for adulthood. Join a community of parents that are committed to developing a teachable child who will grow up to become an independent, godly adult. If interested, click the button below and scroll down to the community group section.


VoxKids (ages 6 months to 6th grade) exists to draw children to the wonder of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to partner with parents to lead children in a life of lasting faith. If interested , click the button below for resources on our VoxKids page.

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VoxYouth (7th-12th grade) exists to see a generation of students grow in faith and community, serve with their God-given gifts, and discover their true selves as their identity is restored through the Gospel of Jesus. If interested, click the button below for resources on our VoxYouth page.

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Whether you are single or a family building new habits, these resources are intended to strengthen you and your relationships. If interested, click the button below.

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For more information on our Marriage Ministry, email Thomas Mahoney at