The Greatest Treasure

Imagine finding a large piece of land in the perfect neighborhood with a gorgeous view of nature and in order to acquire it, you need to sell everything you own? Would you do it?

Imagine wanting a beautiful pearl necklace and searching different shops to find the most precious one, then realizing you need to sell everything you own for that one item. Would you do it?

For me, I look at these two examples and can honestly say I probably wouldn’t sacrifice everything I own for another material blessing. But then, God stirs in me and asks, would you sell it all for Me? Would you surrender everything you own to draw closer to my love? Would you sacrifice your own wants, desires, needs, and perspective to allow me to show you what I’ve created you to be and do?

About three years ago, I was a 5th grade teacher in New Haven and loved my job. In November of what would be my last year of teaching, I felt that The Lord was telling me that it was time to transition out of the classroom. I didn’t know what He was calling me to do, didn’t have a plan, and really wrestled with the decision because this was all I had gone to school for. I had worked hard to get my degree in teaching. There seemed to be no other option for me career wise if I left teaching and realized this was a risky choice to make.

Throughout this season, I leaned into the Lord, prayed for wisdom and direction and found myself in one of the most pivotal and fruitful seasons of my life. It was in this place of transition and surrender that I found a loving and caring Father who provided the reassurance of His grace, mercy, and love which carried me through that season and led me to where I am today. I now find myself in a job that I absolutely love and in a role that I believe God specifically designed for me.

A relationship with the creator is worth more than anything this world puts value on, whether it’s status, a job, money, or fame. A relationship with Jesus is what I choose to give my everything to, fully knowing that the value of my time with Him outweighs anything else I could possibly need, want, or desire.

This week, pray this breath prayer everyday. Jesus, You are my greatest and only Treasure.