This is Yours | 2.6.22

6 February, 2022
Text: Acts 2:1-21

1. What is the most valuable gift you have ever been given? Describe how excited you were to receive it, how you valued it, used it, cared for it.

2. Describe what the moment was like when you received the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus. Did you understand the true value of your new relationship with God? Describe your understanding now as compared to then?

3. Share with the group a special moment in your life where you experienced the presence and power of the Holy Spirit outside of your salvation experience. How did it change your story, present and future?

4. Take a few minutes to identify one practical way you will live in the Holy Spirit more fully as a response to this week’s sermon. Write it down, reflect on it, then go around and share your answer with the group.

After everyone has shared, pair up and pray for each other that the Holy Spirit will be present daily in their life and that He will help them put their answer to #4 into practice this week.