Find Your Fortune | 4.10.22

10 April, 2022

Text: Psalm 8

1. Talk about your first exposure to the idea of buried treasure. Where did you hear about it? What was your reaction to it? Why did you react that way?

2. When you listened to Justin describe how all of the cosmos have been set in perfect order, size, and motion for human life to be sustained on earth, what thoughts about the majestic [wonderful, great, exalted] nature of God come to mind?

3. On Palm Sunday, the majestic God sat on a donkey. He chose to reveal His majesty through meekness. In what specific, practical ways can we pattern our relationships at home or work, our interactions at the grocery store, our word choices while stuck in traffic, or even our thought life after His example?

4. The secret to Psalm 8, the power of God, is majesty in meekness. What areas have you been making life about you that need a humility check? Break into groups of 2 or 3 and answer the question. Then pray for one another for the Holy Spirit's help to surrender those areas to God. Ask Him for a deeper understanding of the majesty of God through meekness in these areas.