Managing Your Mental | 11.20.22

20 November, 2022
Text: Romans 12:2

5 Strategies:


1. Guard the speech you repeat to yourself.

Do you tend to speak negatively or positively about your life and your circumstances? Why?

2. Re-think the story you keep telling yourself.

“We tell ourselves stories about our lives, and we assign meaning to it.” What is a story you’ve believed that you need to re-think and allow God’s story over your life to captivate your thoughts?

3. Develop a warfare strategy & use it.

Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 together. How does knowing that you already have victory, through Jesus Christ, change the way you think about the circumstances of your life?

4. Monitor the state you embrace.

“If you don’t rethink your state, your state becomes your status.” Take a few minutes, turn on some soft music, listen to the Holy Spirit, and consider what changes he is empowering you to make. Write down your thoughts.

Break up men and women into two different groups to talk through your answers to #5. 

5. Do the stuff that you gotta start doing.

Talk through and pray through the answers to each of these questions.
    - Start deciding. "Your destiny is tied to your decisions." What decision is the Lord asking you to make?
    - Focus on what you can control. What is something you are holding onto from your past that you need to let go of?
    - Refuse to compare yourself. How should you live differently in light of the grace of God over your life?