The Greatest Question | 1.8.23

8 January, 2023

Text: Matthew 16:13-18

  1. Ryan talked about his negative opinion of condiments, particularly about mayonnaise. What is your least favorite food? Why don’t you like it? In a situation where someone offers you that food, do you share your opinion?
  2. Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you say I am?” Why do you think He asked them that?
  3. What changes in your life because of the answer to Jesus' question "Who do you say I am?"? (Really pause here as a group and deeply think about and discuss the ramifications of the answer to this question.)
  4. Praise God that He pulled back the curtain, revealed to us who He is, and gave us access to Him through His Son, Jesus. Who is someone in your life that needs to say yes to a relationship with Jesus? Talk about who they are, how you know them, and why the Lord has laid them on your heart.
Take some time as a group and deeply thank God for sending Jesus to die for your sins and give us access to the Father. Also, pray for the names given in answer #5 for the curtain to be pulled back from their eyes and for them to have faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Lastly, pray for each other to have compassion and courage to share the good news.