Weigh It Again | 1.29.23

29 January, 2023

Text: Isaiah 6:1-8

1. Justin talked about how Rosey Ruiz cheated to win the Boston Marathon. Why do you think she did it and why didn't she ever come clean?

-- Justin also talked about two perspectives: First is the King Uzziah perspective, which says, I get to decide what’s true and fulfilling. Second is the perspective of an encounter with the living God. 

2. Talk about what results you have seen in your life when you have lived with King Uzziah's perspective. 

3. Talk about what it’s like for you to daily choose God's perspective while living in a world that lives with King Uzziah's perspective. 

4. Describe what the holiness of God means in your life.

-- Look up and read James 5:16 together. Then, break up into groups of 3-4 and discuss the two questions below and spend some time praying for one another. 

   >  Am I living as though God is the weightiest (highest value) thing in my life? 

   >  What other things are filling up your suitcase and crowding out space for God's way of living?

For further discussion. Read Psalm 32:1 and I John 1:9 and discuss how these verses compare to what Isaiah said about the burning stone in Isaiah 6:6-7.