The Distance | 3.12.23

12 March, 2023

Text: Hebrews 10:19-22

1. In what areas of your life do you have the most confidence? Why? In what areas of your life do you have the least confidence? Why?

2. Justin illustrated a wall (or curtain) that exists between us and God before we come to faith in Jesus' death and resurrection. Sometimes we live as though the barrier is still present. What are some barriers that have existed between you and the Lord lately?

3. If you have been declared righteous by faith (Romans 5:1), you are a priest. Read Revelation 1:5-6. Why should these verses give you confidence?

4. In Hebrews 10:22, we are told to draw near to God with a “true” heart (submitted to Him) with full assurance (confident because of your position in Christ). What would your life look like lived with full confidence? Your trust in God? Your finances? Your relationships? Your work? Your witness?

Take some time together and pray for each member to live with a true heart submitted to God with full assurance, specifically to answers from question #4.

For further study: Read I Corinthians 6:19-20. Why should these verses challenge you to live holy? Are there some areas of your life, where idols have invaded the temple where the Holy Spirit's presence lives?