Unending Supply | 6.11.23

11 June, 2023
Text: 1 Kings 17:8-23 

1. In your opinion, why do people use google? What would change in our world if the unending supply of information on the internet suddenly ceased? What did people do before the internet? (Some may remember those days!)

2. Read 1 Kings 17:8-23. The story of provision for Elijah shows God cares for His people, but it often doesn’t look the way we think it will. Talk about the last time God provided for you in an unexpected way.

3. Sometimes, life’s problems seem to compound and even grow. In 1 Kings 17, we find the widow still wearing mourning clothes and gathering sticks. She had what we would call a “scarcity mentality” - that we must hold the weight of everything ourselves. What have you walked through where you have felt like you were carrying a heavy burden all alone? Talk about what happened when you relinquished control and trusted God.

4. Read Philippians 4:19. The “principle of the first” puts God first in every area of your life reflecting your trust in Him. What are some areas of your life right now where you are carrying the weight instead of depending on God & trusting in His provision?

"To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust Him in the dark. That is faith." - Charles Spurgeon

Pray together for an increase in faith despite circumstances. Thank God together for his faithful provision over the course of your life.

For further study: Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 and discuss practical ways we can sow generously today. Also, talk through the motives behind why we give generously and the benefits of giving generously according to verse 13.