A Whole New World | 9.3.23

3 September, 2023


 1. Throughout the last four weeks, we have walked through each chapter in the Book of Colossians, what has impacted you the most? How has scripture memorization helped to shape your walk with Jesus? 

"Jesus introduces a whole new way world, a whole new way of living, the kingdom God operates from a higher point of view: Inside Out, Upside Down, and Forward-Back." 

 2. Inside Out Kingdom: Religion vs Gospel Transformation
 Take a moment and meditate on this truth: "You don’t become accepted before God because of your good behavior. "Discuss your motivation to obey God, Is it out of fear or is it because of the Father's love towards you? 
 3. Upside Down Kingdom: Top Down Structure vs Bottom Up 
 In culture, family, work, etc. Where have you experienced power and status abused or to lift self up? Where have you experienced someone using power and status to serve or come low to lift someone else up?

 4. Forward Back Kingdom: Chronos vs. Kairos 
 Justin mentioned we are living in the merging of the ages, there is a measuring of time or Chronos but we are living in the in-between, which is a Kairos moment or an opportune time to share the Good News. As a Christian are you seizing the moment, who are you connected to that doesn't yet know Christ?  
 5. At the close of service, we wrote names on a Prayer Card who are your 5 people who are far from God. Share your 5 names with the group. Devote time to prayer: Take 10-15 minutes in your group today to pray together by name for those far from Christ. Close your prayer time thanking God for those who prayed for you to know Christ. 
 6. Challenge: 
  •  Continue to Pray for those on your list and this week pray and believe for a 'Kairos' moment.
  • This week look to share your Story of Grace with someone far from Christ and come back next group meeting and share what took place.