15 October, 2023
 1. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Justin shared with us 3 stories of people who suffer from anxiety. What is your story? How does anxiety portray in your life? 
 2. Read Matthew 6:19-24. In this text, Jesus provides 3 metaphors (treasure, eyesight, master) to contrast the way of the world vs the way of the kingdom. Do have a YOLO (You only live once) mentality or are your life choices driven by an eternity mindset? Where is the Lord inviting you to grow? 
 3. Read Matthew 6:25-34. Multiple times in this text Jesus says "DON'T BE ANXIOUS" Discuss what thoughts come up as you read this and why. 

"Just as a chord needs three notes to come alive, so Jesus builds a chord for our hearts. When played together it unleashes his melody of peace and joy in us."

 4. Note 1 - The Providence of God: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" Jesus turns our attention to LOOK & CONSIDER the birds, the lilies, and the grass to show how God cares for and values HIS creation. What does this teach you about who God is, and who you are? 

 5. Note 2 - The Love of the Father: Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Reflect on the Father's Love for you, He gave his only son to die on our behalf. How does knowing God's love cause you to calm in the midst of your deepest anxieties? 
 6. Note 3- The Promise to you: Philippians 4:19 "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." What promises are difficult to believe for YOU? 

7. Close in prayer. Play Song: FEAR IS NOT YOUR FUTURE.  End in a time of reflection and prayer.

8. Challenge: This week take time in nature to look, think upon, and consider how much the Father loves and values you as His Child.